Hydro Nation Virtual Water Pavilion

As Glasgow hosts COP26, this virtual pavilion highlights how Scotland, as a Hydro Nation, is working across our water sector to respond to the challenges of climate change.

Scotland’s Hydro Nation Strategy was established in 2012, to fulfil the statutory duty on Scottish Ministers to ensure “the development of the value of Scotland's water resources". In the context of climate change, this means that we recognise the importance of responsible stewardship of our water resources to delivering an innovative water sector that supports a flourishing low-carbon economy and plays a crucial role in international development support.

The Hydro Nation Virtual Experience highlights some key examples of this activity and features six tours themed on key areas of Scotland’s Hydro Nation delivery. Please take some time to explore the content and immerse yourself in Scotland’s iconic water landscapes.

You will also find a planner and information on key waters-related events at the conference to assist you in planning your COP26 around water.
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Upcoming events

Water action as answer to climate change – collaborative approach for resilience

This session - jointly organized by the UN-Water Expert Group and the Water and Climate Coalition - will highlight the cross-cutting role of water solutions for adaptation and mitigation. It will showcase how water and climate change adaptation can be integrated into national policies, such as NDCs, as well as how to mobilize financing for climate-resilient water management. Ways to involve communities, vulnerable people, women, youth and civil society to build resilience will be presented and discussed with the audience.

Further info at:



High-level Forum On Water Security Under Climate Change Glasgow, 28-29 October 2021

Tune in to view live, from 9 AM UK time, Thursday 28 and Friday 29 October. The forum will be streamed live, just go to the Front Page of www.ooskanews.com on the day. The event will also be video-recorded for those who can't be there on the day.

Given the multidimensional, multi-sectoral and multi-issues nature of water security under climate change, Prof Asit K. Biswas and Prof Cecilia Tortajada are hosting a 1½-day hybrid meeting on the topic, with the support of the University of Glasgow and the Scottish Government at the Senate Room, University of Glasgow, 28-29 October.

For this high-level forum, speakers include Ministers, heads of international organisations, leading figures from public and private sectors, eminent academics from different parts of the world, from different disciplines, to share their views on the problems and their likely solutions.

Each invited speaker will make three most important takeaways based on their knowledge and experience. Thereafter, there will be a dialogue between the invited speakers and the global audience.

The meeting will be livestreamed by OOSKAnews. Any interested person is cordially invited to join us! Sharing and embedding of the video content is encouraged.

The majority of the invited speakers have contributed papers. These have just been published by Springer Nature as a book: Water Security under Climate Change.


High-level Forum On Water Security Under Climate Change Glasgow, 28-29 October 2021

Tune in to view live, from 9 AM UK time, Thursday 28 and Friday 29 October. The forum will be streamed live, just go to the Front Page of www.ooskanews.com on the day. The event will also be video-recorded for those who can't be there on the day.

Given the multidimensional, multi-sectoral and multi-issues nature of water security under climate change, Prof Asit K. Biswas and Prof Cecilia Tortajada are hosting a 1½-day hybrid meeting on the topic, with the support of the University of Glasgow and the Scottish Government at the Senate Room, University of Glasgow, 28-29 October.

For this high-level forum, speakers include Ministers, heads of international organisations, leading figures from public and private sectors, eminent academics from different parts of the world, from different disciplines, to share their views on the problems and their likely solutions.

Each invited speaker will make three most important takeaways based on their knowledge and experience. Thereafter, there will be a dialogue between the invited speakers and the global audience.

The meeting will be livestreamed by OOSKAnews. Any interested person is cordially invited to join us! Sharing and embedding of the video content is encouraged.

The majority of the invited speakers have contributed papers. These have just been published by Springer Nature as a book: Water Security under Climate Change (https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-981-16-5493-0).


The first Water Pavilion at a COP - A celebration

The first Water Pavilion at a COP - A celebration

18:45 - 19:00 High Level welcoming remarks

19:00 - 19:15 Performance by Låpsley

19:15 - 20:00 Water Pavilion Reception

The first Water Pavilion at a COP - A celebration

Further info at:



Water Pavilion launch event - The Race to Zero and Resilience, unleashing water’s power

Two billion people around the world are living in water-stressed areas and the climate crisis is only serving to make this worse by prolonging droughts and intensifying floods. With water use and management accounting for up to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, it is imperative that governments and water companies work together to achieve net zero. This means transitioning to renewable energy, mitigating their carbon emissions and reducing the nitrous oxide and methane emissions that come from wastewater treatment.

In the UK in 2020, water companies spear-headed the industry’s low-carbon journey with the publication of the Net Zero 2030 Routemap – the world’s first detailed sector-wide plan to reach net zero on operational emissions by 2030.

In this event, Water UK will host a discussion with UK representatives and colleagues from around the world to discuss how they are tackling the dual challenge of reducing emissions and ensuring water resilience. The event will explore how water companies are tackling the race to net zero, how they are ensuring resilience is embedded into these plans and how they plan to progress once they’ve achieved the ‘easy wins’.

Water Pavilion launch event


Water, Extremes, and Climate Change: Insights from IPCC WG I Report

The IPCC Working Group 1 report makes grim reading. Strong evidence from thousands of studies across the globe was brought together to detail how the climate is and will change. Floods, droughts and other extreme events like heatwaves and cyclones are the main ways in which people across the world are feeling the impacts of climate change, and it comes as no surprise that many of these impacts are water-related. Understanding the implications and regional variations highlighted by the IPCC report for future water management is crucial. In this session, the authors of the IPCC report will share insights about water-related changes, including extreme weather events due to climate change and panelists' will discuss the implications of the same for adaptation and mitigation. 

Further info at: 



Water and Mitigation: From Science to Climate Action

Freshwater-related mitigation measures in water systems, energy systems and ecosystems (such as wetlands and other inland water ecosystems, forest, croplands, rangelands); Mitigation within the water-sanitation-hygiene sector, including links to energy and cities-infrastructure; Educate on the water sectors collective GHG emission impact, celebrate those utilities who have already made a Net Zero commitment, and call other corporations and utilities to make their own commitment. 

Further info at:



Water for Adaptation: Showcasing results from the Adaptation Action Coalition water sector workstream

Introducing the Water Tracker for National Climate Planning! If climate action is to be effective, the vital role of water in mitigating and adapting to climate change must be recognized. Water is a critical resource for all sectors, understanding where and how water is needed for climate action is necessary now to avoid adverse outcomes, maladaptation, or outright project failure. This event will introduce a new tool for countries to assess water needs in their national climate planning and bring together leaders from around the globe to share good practices in adaptation and demonstrate the importance of placing water at the center of resilient climate planning. The Water Tracker for National Climate Planning is an initiative of the Egypt and UK-led Adaptation Action Coalition (AAC), and we will use this opportunity to showcase pilot country experiences applying the Water Tracker to their national climate plans and invite other countries to join the Coalition.

Further info at:



Climate and Citizen Participation – Co-creation and Co-benefits. How co-creation can support a just transition to net zero.

02 November 2021 16:00-17:00 GMT, Nordic Pavilion, Blue Zone. The event will also be livestreamed at COP26 Backdoor (wedonthavetime.org).  

Showcase of Nordic and Scottish examples of holistic approaches and citizen participation informing action on emissions, adaptation, biodiversity, environmental quality, public health and a socially just transition to net zero. A panel will discuss tools and resources needed to successfully apply co-created approaches with a particular focus on rural communities: 

  • Ian Gilzean, Chief Architect, Scottish Government, Chair 
  • Stefanie O’Gorman, Director of Sustainable Economics, Ramboll, Scotland 
  • Professor Stephen Willacy, Stephen Willacy Architecture + Urbanism, Denmark 
  • Ruth Wolstenholme, Managing Director, Sniffer,  Scotland 
  • Heidi Erikson, Process Manager Citizen Dialogue, Municipality of Indre Østfold, Norway 

Offshore wind - creating a blueprint for a just energy transition

Join us to learn how offshore wind is supporting Scotland’s aspirations for a just energy transition.

This event will showcase real-world examples of just transition principles being put into practice in Scottish offshore wind, and how they could serve as a blueprint for other sectors and international markets.


Register to attend

Register to attend these events on eventsair - a Scottish Government partner website. You'll need to create an account to attend.

October 2024

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